Recommended Research Books
We recommend that the best way to learn more about any hobby is to READ, READ, READ!! Here are some great books to help you with your research. Depending on what you collect will determine which books are of the most value to you.
VASELINE GLASS: Canary to Contemporary, The Comprehensive Guide to Yellow-Green Pattern Glass, Art Glass and Novelties, from 1840 to the Present. Second Edition, by David A. Peterson & Thomas L. Foozer, copyright 2020, This book contains 265 pages, color photos of over 2,000 pieces of glass, and over 100 additional black and white photos. It highlights over 40 different glass manufacturers, giving a short history and a comprehensive list of what was made by each factory.
Available NOW from Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc. $65 which includes shipping within the USA. Send $65 via PayPal to:
Yellow-Green Vaseline, A Guide to the Magic Glass, Revised Edition, By Jay Glickman and Terry Fedosky. (c) 1998 by The Glass Press, Inc. (dba Antique Publications) isbn #1-57080-045-6.
Pictorial Guide to Vaseline Glass by Sue C. Davis, copyright 2002, Schiffer Books, Currently available on eBay, not yet posted to isbn #: 0764316443. She also has two other books that were earlier editions and are also available on eBay or through Schiffer Books or
Standard Encyclopedia of Opalescent Glass, by Bill Edwards and Mike Carwile. Collector Books, isbn #1-57432-284-2.
Standard Encyclopedia of Pressed Glass 1860 – 1930, by Bill Edwards and Mike Carwile.
Glass Toothpick Holders by Neila & Tom Bredehoft and Jo and Bob Sanford. (c) 1999 Collector Books, isbn #1-57432-127-7. While not exclusive to vaseline glass, they show a lot of patterns of toothpick holders that were made in vaseline glass and all the research was from original documents.
The following books may or may not be in print (most are out of print) but they can be tracked down on auction pages on the internet such as eBay. they are worth tracking down for patterns, identification, company history, patterns they made, etc.
Hobbs, Brockunier & Co, Glass, Identification and Value Guide by Neila & Tom Bredehoft. (c) 1997 Collector Books, isbn #0-89145-780-1.
Wheeling Glass 1829-1939: Collection of the Oglebay Institute Glass Museum, by Baker, Eige, McCluskey, Measell, Spillman, and Wilson. (c) 1994 by Oglebay Institute. Distributed by Chilton Book Co. isbn# 1-57080-002-2.
Early American Pattern Glass by Alice Hulett Metz (c) 1958. Self-Published. This is long out of print, but well worth tracking down a copy for pattern identification. This book has recently been updated, with current prices, using the original text and photos.
Much More Early American Pattern Glass (Book II) by Alice Hulett Metz (c) 1965. Also out of print, and a companion book to the one listed above. A bit tougher to find!
Early American Pressed Glass by Ruth Webb Lee (c) 1931 and continuing up to 1985. Out of print. This, and other books by Ruth Webb Lee, are some of the best research material available. She also authored books on: Early American Pressed Glass Patterns, Sandwich Glass, Victorian Glass, and Boston & Sandwich Glass Company Factory Catalogue.
Early American Pattern Glass 1850-1910 : Major Collectible Table Settings With Prices by Bill Jenks, Jerry Luna (Contributor) (c) 1990 602 pages, Wallace-Homestead Book Co; isbn# 0870695452.
The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Pattern Glass by Mollie Helen McCain (c) 1982 with values updated in 1996. Probably still in print. Collector Books. isbn #0-89145-211-7. Good book for identifying patterns grouped by category. All pictures are line drawings by the author.
Iridescent Stretch Glass by Kitty & Russell Umbraco (c) 1972, Long out of print. Good reference for picture identification if you collect ‘stretch‘ vaseline glass, but light on text and research.
Fenton Glass, The first 25 years (also: second 25 years, & third 25 years, the 1980’s, the 1990’s, and soon to be published a reference on Fenton/QVC). The first three books are by William Heacock. These books are currently being printed by Antique Publications. My copy is an older edition. Antique Publications has updated the price guides for all three of these editions. Any book by Heacock is worth buying if you collect any sort of glass!
Identifying Pattern Glass Reproductions by Bill Jenks, Jerry Luna, and Darryl Reilly, (c) 1993 by Wallace-Homestead. isbn # 0-87069-624-4. This is an invaluable book to have in your collection. It is very well detailed, lets you know what pieces of a particular pattern was reproduced, who made it (and when) and what colors it came in. If you can find one of these books, I highly recommend it!
Early American Pattern Glass 1850-1910 by Bill Jenks and Darryl Reilly. This book originally came out in 1990 from Wallace-Homestead and is out of print. It has just been updated, revised and expanded (2002) and is available from Krause Publications, Iola, WI. It is over 550 pages long and can be found at their website or